Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action
It rubs the brush on the mini or it gets the lederhosen again
It took some willpower to start the next step, but I knew what colours needed to go onto what bit. I went with a get one colour on everywhere it needs to be on every mini before moving to a new colour, there’s various ways to approach the job, I reasoned knowing I was done with a colour completely would be more motivating. Any second coats required I also applied in this phase.
So I stuck to my one colour policy for a long old time. The hardest part was the camouflage, I had tried cammo on a couple of minis before and it looked pretty crap. This time I did my homework and got much better results. I was torn about being happy with how my Waffen SS looked ,given the units’ history. Despite my not being a stickler for historical accuracy in miniature painting, I do enjoy learning history as I go along. Never happier than when learning!
There does come a point where you own 200 quids worth of paintbrushes, but find yourself painting with a cocktail stick where you question your hobby choices.
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