Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Duster
A big one and an ugly one!
Should’ve posted this awhile ago because i finished assembling my Mordor Troll a few weeks ago… But at least i was able to assemble both version of Gothmog
The good thing about the the plastic troll kit, is that you don’t really need to glue the arms, as they come with pegs! So i assembled all the options available, except for the drums, because they also come with pegs but, it fits on the belly… and if you put the armor on the troll, you can’t use the drums without some work, wich i decided against since i plan on getting a few more trolls anyway!
As for Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron, they were pretty easy to get togheter, save for the shield you can glue on his back on foot and the shield, a mace and/or sword on the warg. They don’t have a specific spots to stick, except a bit of fur/something on the shield that make it “easier” to glue! I wish i had taken a picture before trying, the firts time! I suggest to do some dry-fitting!
Oops! Just noticed that technicaly his wargear his Heavy Armor and sword! With options for his Warg and a shield. So why does the kit comes with a sword a mace plus shield? Anyway not to bad!
I’m now moving on with the Morannon Commanders i got last week and with Farmarir and his two rangers buddies!
See you guys next update
To make you feel better about Gothmog’s weapons, they have recently dropped an update so he can pick all the options from the kit 🙂
Tanks @brennon just saw the FAQs drop yesterday!