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15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

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Orlock wrecker (fantasy 15s into new greens part 2)

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 10

So I am super pleased with this conversion. It took alot more effort than the elf or dwarf. The dwarf to squat although more involved than the elf to escher was essentially just bulking up the armour. The orlock involved completely re doing the head and integrating wire framework for the jetpack then sculpting the jetpack. The poision knife became a combat knife easily enough as did the crossbow pistol to handflamer. I added melta charges and a small remote detonator. One page rules dont have mechanics for this but i thought it looked cool. Tried to copy the black guy on the g dubs boxset and will deffo paint his hair yellow demolition man wesley snipes style lol i also sculpted a robo dog or cyber mastiff good boi. He has a very defined poopy hole/usb charging port. The scale on this dog like the rest of this project is criminally wild but i love his big stoopid face.

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Allan Mathiesonzorgnightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Brilliant stuff! You got talent my friend. Below are two links to 1/72 Dark Alliance miniatures that you might find useful for conversion work.

Keep up the great work.

Cult of Games Member

Congratulations fantastic work for your game figures. @greenstufffanatic.

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