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15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

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Escher huntress and squat with hammer. Converting my fantasy 15s in new necromunda greens

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Theres a cool one page rules game called opportunity window (or something like that) thats co op and there is a target to assassinate with rules regarding noise made and the guards reactions etc.

I sculpted some 15mm greenstuff minis to play it. I never got around to playing as i was trying to clone and paint 20+ squidmen  guards and lost motivation after 6. I converted the dwarf into a squat, the elf into an escher huntress and the duck mask tricorn hat guy into an orlock wrecker with handflamer. Ill put the orlock in a seperate post. These were actually my first 15mm i sculpted. I started with 28 then did several 10mm for minihammer/warmaster. 15 is my favourite scale to play and hobby with now.

The arrow quiver was easy to do and fun: basically when the gstuff is still “wet” i cut a 0.6mm copper wire into several short matching lengths. These i pushed into the cylinder of greenstuff so there was a good amount left sticking out. With these in place i pushed it onto the (then) elf lady’s back and smoothed and shaped the quiver. When putty had cured the copper wires were stuck firmly in  place and the quiver was secured to the body of the green. This meant i could finish the arrows, i just smooshed a blob of g-stuff on top of the copper wires and then used tools to make the rough form of overlapping arrow feathers . I chopped off her elf ears and sculpted a gasmask. When re painted it should look bit more eacher like. Maybe the clothes are still a bit too fantasy, i may come back to make a few additions later before repaint.

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