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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well not quite bright ans Early on Sunday morning we reassembled for dat 2 of game. Now it seems we have settled into a 2 move day, move and beer and Doughnuts break , 2nd Move and Pub. But we are pushing the envelope on the initiative on this, It may be an idea to drop the number if dice to just command units and move whole Squadrons and company’s on drawing of dice.

The Germans quickly decided to move their unit of exposed Panthers , which in theory could have been caught side on by Shermans and Cromwells crossing the Bridge.

They had two options move into treeline by canal, but this would stiil leave flank over from flank, or take up position in high ground behind station.

On a die roll favouring the later option they chose the latter.

Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.
Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

On the whole the British Armored Advance seemed stalled at the Headrows with no one wanting to advance .

Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

So itcwas decided to bring on the Infantry with Jo debusing his Infantry Platoon to seize the farmhouse on the left flank, in an attempt to get sight of and shoot at the Jagdpanzers in the court yard.

Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

Being a little wary of this possibility and with no Infantry support, heard the Infantry assault on the empty farmhouse plus the known Sherman force to the front and promptly fell back across the railway line to the line of trees.

Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

What was left of the American Airborne decided to make a last stand at the British end of the bridge, digging in and hiding amongst the vehicle wrecks.

Operation Cheltenham! Part 2.

This unfortunately was spotted by virtually all the German Forces, who began to pound them with all the available gun in sight, until they and the anti tank gun with them were wiped out.

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