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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Hiwi Squad Leader.

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 13
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Hiwi Squad Leader.

A fun quick little project, to get a squad leader for my Hiwi’s painted and in the cabinet.

I used a German Ushanka from Warlord’s Plastic ‘German Infantry (Winter)’ box set, but cut of one of the ear flaps and re glued it in a more dynamic looking position. It looks like he is desperately letting rip with his MP40, with a stance to suggest poise and action, which the direction of the hat flaps in motion further suggest.

I actually quite like this miniature as he is pretty unique, and I enjoyed getting him painted in an evening.

Miniatures by Warlord Games:

Armies of Germany 2nd Edition

Blitzkrieg German Infantry plastic boxed set

German Grenadiers plastic box set

Germans Infantry (Winter)

Research Material Osprey Books:

Scenery by Tymeagain:

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