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15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

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Orlock heavy with heavy bolter and escher leader with plasma pistol and chainsword

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Began this with a mind to post it as a project and it is on going ive been meaning to post this stuff for weeks. Disclaimers aside I love heavy bolters alot and went for a drum magazine style kinda how russian smgs looked old fashioned or gangster to ww2 american troops i think underhivers should have drum fed magazines (i guess the new orlock do anyways) i put a spare hanging off his backpack. I based the escher off a pfp chibi artwork i commisioned for my missus’s birthday back when we played 28mm necromunda. It was done by my instagram buddy who left instagram a while ago. Hes not got great mental health so i hope hes okay. His name was roboboover and he had his glooms spite gitz published in white dwarf incase anyone knows him. I sent him a photo of my wifes leader i painted for her for inspo for the artwork and that in turn inspired this sculpt.

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