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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Kitbashed Retinues

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I’m back! It’s been a while but recently I’ve discovered the updated rules to Conquests First Blood and it’s got me re energised to continue my Hundred Kingdoms army.

Recently I planned a game and for the first time I included a retinue for my Theist Priest. I was going to proxy the models but then I remembered a kitbash I had done a while ago mixing a Man At Arms torso with Household equipment (and a slung crossbow just for added badassness) and thought he might work as a warrior retinue. They have the support rule so makes sense that he would have a halberd. I also needed a bodyguard so kitbashed him together from the crossbowman, man at arms, gilded legion and militia sprues. Finally I needed an acolyte which was trickier as he would need to be less martial looking. I had a spare militia head which has a cap instead of a helmet and with a bit of cutting and gluing managed to create a more magical looking staff and by trimming down a shield I created something that looks enough like a book to pass!

The BodyguardThe Bodyguard
Kitbashed Retinues
Ah, Brainmatter, how I’ve missed thee!Ah, Brainmatter, how I’ve missed thee!

Now for the washes, all 50/50 mixed with medium in the true Chop Slap (TM) style!!

Added an old Bretonian transfer to the shield an the badass bodyguard is done!

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