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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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A mixed bag....

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
No Comments

28th January 2023

A bit of a mixed bag this week…

I completed the walls and barricades, with the paint pen edge highlighting work being finished off, and then the sponge weathering pass on all the pieces.

Next up I decided to add a different colour to the mix – the ‘food shack’ building was treated to a pass of blue/grey with my inexperienced airbrush skills.

I again used some masking tape to leave a white stripe down the middle, for ‘reasons’ ?

Then I tried painting up a sign for it. Not overly happy with the result, but I may return to it yet, as I still have a fair bit to do on it.

Then to make some room I dug out some under-bed boxes, and packed up what I could.

A mixed bag....

Next up it was work on the scatter pieces. I had already done a little on them, but I spent time edge highlighting, adding spot colour and again some sponge weathering to them. I also pulled out the airbrush again to spray the base blue colour on several pieces (It was slower than I thought).

I'm actually happy with how this came outI'm actually happy with how this came out

Finally, among the left over bits I purchased from my friend were a couple of stairs. Using some odd sized walkway parts I made these into freestanding stairs – but they wouldn’t stand on their own….

So, I took a couple of the buttress parts, cut them down to the right size and glued them underneath so that they can be truly free standing.

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