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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This weekend I primed up the 7 Cycle 1 models and got to work on Alpha Temenos.  Brush access was clearly going to be an issue, so I used the airbrush to lay down the dominant colour and then brushed on the other base colours manually.  I normally like to complete one colour before starting a second, but I knew it would be a lot easier to fix mistakes if I based before anything was shaded or highlighted.  Once it was all based, I finished the skin, then the pyramids, and finally the base, glow, and then teeth.


(Using colours from the Blue Flesh recipe from Vallejo/Nocturna Malefic Flesh paint set.  Actual original recipe below))
Base: VMC 74.014 Cold Flesh
Wash: VMC 74010 Frozen Flesh
Drybrush: Base
Drybrush VMC74.015 Pale Flesh
Drybrush: VMC 74.016 White Flesh

Grey Stone
Base: VMC 70.869  Basalt Grey
Drybrush: P3 Jack Bone, maybe even P3 Menoth White Base
Wash: GW Nuln Oil
Revisit drybrushing if desired

Fire Glow
Undercoat White
Base (Airbrushed): MRP-F008 Fire Orange.  Allow for overspray down tunnel
Highlight (Airbrushed): Base + MRP-F005 Deep Yellow.  Less overspray.  Try to only hit centre of circle, leaving a more orange border
Highlight (Airbrushed): Just Deep yellow, again leaving a visible border

Base: P3 Menoth White Base
Wash around base: GW Agrax Earthshade
Highlight: with base
Highlight: P3 Menoth White Highlight

As I was painting the base (See earlier post) with the solution of water, Lahmium medium, and Brokentoad’s Grimy Dirt pigment I thought I may as well apply some over Temenos.  He’s just burst out of the ground, so I gave him some residual dirt.

Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos

Temenos can be climbed upon, grating different options to anyone on his back.  As such, one of those pyramids can be removed and a platform put in its place.

Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Cycle 1: Alpha Temenos
Concept art, for comparisonConcept art, for comparison
The original step by step guide for the flesh tones.  I assume they painted it properly.  I tried that once.  It wasn't blue then either.  It gave me a nice Dark Elf flesh tone though.The original step by step guide for the flesh tones. I assume they painted it properly. I tried that once. It wasn't blue then either. It gave me a nice Dark Elf flesh tone though.

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