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Denziens starwars

Denziens starwars

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IG Droids

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment
Nice models but I do have an issue with the kit. You can make two droids but you have a spare torso two sets of legs and two sets of arms. All that's missing is a head. Why not just let us make three of them instead of two sets of arms that aren't even different to the ones used. Waist of sprue space. Nice models but I do have an issue with the kit. You can make two droids but you have a spare torso two sets of legs and two sets of arms. All that's missing is a head. Why not just let us make three of them instead of two sets of arms that aren't even different to the ones used. Waist of sprue space.
IG Droids
IG Droids
IG Droids

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