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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Operation Cheltenham intelude

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Above is some appropriate music to keep you all going:


But have to give you quote of weekend during game


Kevin…… Keep the German Reinforcements to what you have built and avaibalble!

Keith ……Bob has an awful lot of Germans in those Boxes


Some fun for those who want to point it some are already deployed

5 Platoons Panzer Grenediers with 4x MG42 on Tripod

4x Hannomags

2 x 222 Armoured Cars

2x Pumas

4x Pak 75

4x 88m pak 30 flack

2x Hornisse

5x Panxer III

3x Hetzer

5 x Stug 75mm

2x Stug 105mm

6 x Panzer IV

5x  JagdPanzer

4x Panther

2x JagdPanther

4x Tiger 1

Not Gerrys 12,000 pts but should keep them occupied for a bit.


Oh and interesting point forgot how much I like Glen Miller , the one thing missing from D-day bootcamp…..


2nd oh! dont forget to check out all the D-day boot camp Content specially the how they built it blogs .



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