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IDF On Patrol - A 1/72 scale Diorama

IDF On Patrol - A 1/72 scale Diorama

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The First Step - Planning.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Hi everyone,

As I am writing this up, I am also putting on the finishing touches to my 54mm Conan model.  In between, gluing this tuft, and retouching that boot, I started planning my next diorama in 1/72 scale.

This is a 1/72 Merkava 1 tank from Italieri – my favourite all time tank, even though I only paint WW2 tanks as a general rule.  I will be combining this with a Middle Eastern street scene from Black Dog miniatures.  I have had these kits for over a decade now, and it is about time I used them!

I have had these kits for over a decade.I have had these kits for over a decade.

As always, I start with the base when building dioramas.  A lot of hobbyists start with the figures, and that is fine, but I have issues with display space at the moment.  Hence I take extra care the whole thing fits into my display case when finished.

As a result, I start inspecting the Middle Eastern street scene and fitting it into the base I had prepared for another diorama that never got off the drawing board (this happens a lot with me.  I get excited for some idea in my head that does not pan out as I planned in the real world and then I abandon it!).

The kit is very nice and detailed.  It does have some warping and flash, but nothing I cannot put right. The company is still in operation and I highly recommend their products.  You can find them here:

The First Step - Planning.
All the parts laid out.All the parts laid out.
Warping present, but easily fixed with some hot water.Warping present, but easily fixed with some hot water.
The First Step - Planning.
Some really nice details.Some really nice details.
Everything goes together well.Everything goes together well.
The kit also fits well into the wooden base.  I just have to extend the base with putty.The kit also fits well into the wooden base. I just have to extend the base with putty.

That is all for now.  The next step will be to put the body of the tank together and start modelling and painting up the base.

Until then farewell and stay safe.


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