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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Operation Cheltenham part duex the Mechanics and ammendments

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This bit is very much for Garry who is curious on the mechanics of the game:

1 This game is going to use modified Flames of War rules:

Why , FOW has all those nice cards that do most of the rule work for the player, so they don’t have to wait while the Umpire etc searchs for the rules bit ,once they have had a brief breakdown of the card layout


2 Modifications I will be using a different initiative system:


a)… Im not a big fan of I go you go , never have never will 

b) its not a standard 2  player game, as the sides are asymmetrical, the majority of players will be playing British ,  Who will have  to work round the  inequality in armour , but will have to use numbers and tactics to prevail.  The Germans will be an Umpire controlled A.I, 

The ideas is to use a modified Bolt Action initiative system , I could have gone down the ‘I aint been shot down method of cards, but that is a bit cumbersome and takes time to organise. So the plan is it to put a dice in for  each unit – Green for British – Grey for German as an example but also put in a different coloured dice for their command units. On  drawing the dice the player can decide whether to activate on its draw or hold it back (place on unit ) till a command dice is drawn. The command dice will be activate a no of units up to its level , either from units with dice or not . The idea is a commander can then launch co-ordinated attacks , which he would not be able to do with just random dice drawing , but without the card sorting of IABSM, and should be a bit more freeflow.


Most of the German units will begin concealed in position and not not on table till they open fire , to give more of the for of war, But the British will need to use their Scout units as well Scouts. to spot concealed Germans

Dont want to make it complicated, but will get players to role for spotting and will probably work out  as to hit with modifiers

-1 light vehicle-Towed gun /Large vehicle partical cover

-2 Infantry -light Vehicle/Towed gun  patial cover 

-3 Infantry partical cover 

-1 to above if buttoned up tank etc

As its umpire led above can be modified as req:



I have a reaction table that I originally developed from the old Pony Wars for use in my Hammers Slammers games which I will use.

German reinforcements will be rolled for each move, still some kinks to be sorted on this but, quikc idea is use two d6, with any double rolled mean that reinforcements are not immediately deployed  but ars stacked up until another double is rolled and then they arrive on next move:

More modifiaction will appear as req on day , one advantage of umpire led game, will post on post game report.



Operation Cheltenham part duex the Mechanics and ammendments

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