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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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So yesterday me and Shay had our first battle of the new year. Things have been hectic lately and it was amazing to get some time to play the cult again.

Shay suggested playing a new game style One Page Rules. It’s a quicker game system and instead of my whole army shoots *two hours later* your whole army shoots *half and hour later* your turn. It’s turn by turn based system where one unit in your army moves// shoots or charges and vice versa. I’ll fill in my thoughts at the end.


I put together my list with the idea of a horde in mind; only four characters and a TONNE of troop units.

Here’s my list;

++ Soul-Snatcher Cults [3500pts] ++

Neophytes [10] Q4+ D5+ | 220pts | Scout
9x CCWs (A1), 8x Rifles (24″, A1), Flamethrower (12″, A6), Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending), Mining Laser (18″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))

Neophytes [10] Q4+ D5+ | 220pts | Scout
9x CCWs (A1), 8x Rifles (24″, A1), Flamethrower (12″, A6), Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending), Mining Laser (18″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))

Neophytes [10] Q4+ D5+ | 220pts | Scout
9x CCWs (A1), 8x Rifles (24″, A1), Flamethrower (12″, A6), Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending), Mining Laser (18″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))

Neophytes [10] Q4+ D5+ | 220pts | Scout
9x CCWs (A1), 8x Rifles (24″, A1), Flamethrower (12″, A6), Heavy Pick (A2, AP(1), Rending), Mining Laser (18″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))

Cult Champion [1] Q4+ D5+ | 90pts | Hero, Scout, Takedown, Tough(3)
CCW (A2), Sniper Rifle (30″, A1, AP(1), Sniper)
# Joined to:
Acolytes [5] Q4+ D5+ | 145pts | Scout, Strider
3x Mutant Claws (A2, AP(1)), Pistols (12″, A1), 2x Flamethrower Pistol (6″, A6), Heavy Cutter (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)), Whip Limb and Sword Claw (A2, Rending, Deadly(3))

2x Acolytes [5] Q4+ D5+ | 145pts | Scout, Strider
3x Mutant Claws (A2, AP(1)), Pistols (12″, A1), 2x Flamethrower Pistol (6″, A6), Heavy Cutter (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)), Whip Limb and Sword Claw (A2, Rending, Deadly(3))

Cult Champion [1] Q4+ D5+ | 75pts | Hero, Scout, Takedown, Tough(3)
CCW (A2), Duelist Pistols (12″, A2, Sniper)
# Joined to:
Mutant Brutes [5] Q3+ D4+ | 160pts | Regeneration, Scout
4x Heavy Picks (A2, AP(1), Rending), Pick Hammer (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))

Cult Leader [1] Q4+ D5+ | 70pts | Hero, Scout, Tough(3), 1x Prime(Agitator)
Array of CCWs (A3, AP(1), Poison)
# Joined to:
Mutant Brutes [5] Q3+ D4+ | 160pts | Regeneration, Scout
4x Heavy Picks (A2, AP(1), Rending), Pick Hammer (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))

Brute Champion [1] Q3+ D4+ | 95pts | Hero, Regeneration, Scout, Tough(3)
Sledgehammer (A2, Blast(3), AP(2))
# Joined to:
Mutant Brutes [5] Q3+ D4+ | 160pts | Regeneration, Scout
4x Heavy Picks (A2, AP(1), Rending), Pick Hammer (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))

Attack Vehicle [2] Q4+ D2+ | 480pts | Fast, Impact(6), Scout, Tough(6)
2x Heavy Mining Laser (24″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)), 2x Twin Heavy Machinegun (30″, A6, AP(1))

Attack Vehicle [2] Q4+ D2+ | 480pts | Fast, Impact(6), Scout, Tough(6)
2x Heavy Mining Laser (24″, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)), 2x Twin Heavy Machinegun (30″, A6, AP(1))

Grinder Truck [1] Q4+ D2+ | 245pts | Fast, Impact(9), Strider, Tough(6), Transport(6)
Heavy Machinegun (30″, A3, AP(1)), Heavy Quake Cannon (24″, A6, Rending)

Light Walker [1] Q4+ D2+ | 170pts | Fear, Tough(6)
Stomp (A2, AP(1)), Twin Heavy Flamethrower (12″, A12, AP(1))

Shay used his custodes with a 17 model list!

I won the dice roll and so went first. We agreed to play the game Relic hunt with three Relics played in the centre of the board with 12 inches spaced between them. Basically your squad uses an action during your turn to pick up the relic and can carry it with them until they’re downed and another squad can pick it up. The winner of the game at the end is the player with the majority of relics in their control at the end of turn four. 

Turn 1

My Ridgerunners did a tonne of damage to Shay’s Dreadnought with their mining lasers leaving 8 wounds left. WHAT?! When Shay shot back the one of the Ridgerunners took 3 wounds but was still going. A squad of my Brutes were wiped along with my favourite model Kelermorph. I had placed the Kelermorph with these brutes in a combined unit and when they were wiped so was he. A Quake cannons on the Goliath did little to no damage 1 on Dreadnought. 

My walker used its flamers and only put 1 wound on jet bikes. A lot of death from my brutes but my vehicles held on! A weird feeling. A Neophyte 10 man squad got the centre objective. 

Turn 2

Alaris Terminators (I think) deep striked into my black field. OH NO. Both ridgerunners pinned after a melee with the Dreadnought. My Acolyte squad destroyed by hq squad and sadly my Sanctus too but not before using a special ability and taking out a jet bike of Shays. Again like the Kelermorph my squad and Sanctus was wiped due to the sims poor rolls and morale checks. Acolyte squad destroyed Dreadnought in melee and vice versa when the Dreadnought attacked back. But that’s a loss I could take! There’s an absolutely broken part of the acolyte squads with the heavy cutter that does deadly three wounds nearly every time with decent rolls.

Lot of death happened in this round however Biaphus Cain (my primus converted Commissar)  did well in combat. By this stage Shay owned two relics and I owned one! 

Turn 3

Small melees happening now with less and less models on the board. My Ridgerunners unpinned but alas too far gone. Shay had lost a Dreadnought, the jet bikes, terminators but unfortunately was still uploading on well. 

Turn 4

Shay kept hold of relics and terminators destroyed my back line. A well fought and close game but the Custodes came out on top! Good game!


What I’ve learned is that;

  • Horde troops really works for me I can place loads around the board and be really sticky
  • the heavy cutter is extremely good but acolytes drop like flies
  • next time to put my ridgerunners far away from combat (I do this every time woops)
  • do not place characters in the same unit as troops. When they drop and fail a morale test it also effects the character
  • read the rules fully. Some of my brute squads should have used their 5+ inv from the start.

All in all a great game and as always until the next ascension day the cult will be waiting!!


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