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Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

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Guard Infantry that actually fought

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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To have a change of pace from the other projects I was working on I dipped into the “pile of pride” and dug out a couple of battalions for my War of Spanish Succession French. These were two units from the French Household troops the Maison de Roi.

First up was a battalion of Garde Francaises – in the field these units had the privilege of choosing their own position in the battle line and also they could claim the privilege of leading the assault on any breaches during a siege!!

The uniform was a relatively straight forward dark blue with red trimmings. The figures are from Front Rank and the only issue is that they do not carry the ribbons that were traditionally worn by the guard units on their shoulders.

The standards are from Warfare Miniatures and a tip here in make sure you have the fleur de leis the correct way up when you glue the flags on, I didn’t the first time but luckily I had a spare (doh!).

The next unit was a battalion of the Garde Suisses (Swiss) who both shared the guard duties in Paris and also fought alongside the Garde Francaises in the Maison de Roi.

This time in scarlet coats trimmed blue. The standards this time are from Maverick Models – and these particular flags have been printed on cloth material. They do need treating with PVA before being cut to size but are very nice standards.

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