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For a Fistful of Undeads - Painting Zombicide 'Undead or Alive'

For a Fistful of Undeads - Painting Zombicide 'Undead or Alive'

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Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

Almost done with the zombies, I painted the brutes, which are the fatties of Undead and Alive. They come in two flavors.

These guys are ex photographers, complete with tripod and old fashion cameras/plate sets. See my previous entries for suggestions on how to paint these creatures and keeping them as different as possible. For these particular miniature, I painted the pustules white and then used fluorescent paint (Vallejo) of different colors once it was dry.These guys are ex photographers, complete with tripod and old fashion cameras/plate sets. See my previous entries for suggestions on how to paint these creatures and keeping them as different as possible. For these particular miniature, I painted the pustules white and then used fluorescent paint (Vallejo) of different colors once it was dry.
Being zombified obviously had an elongating effect on these individuals' mandibular morphology. Being zombified obviously had an elongating effect on these individuals' mandibular morphology.
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
The other model is a bit more conventional while retaining visible mandibular deformity. They are also much easier to paint as they wear a convict 'onesie'.The other model is a bit more conventional while retaining visible mandibular deformity. They are also much easier to paint as they wear a convict 'onesie'.
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'
Zombicide - Undead or Alive -Brutish 'Beauty'

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Cult of Games Member

Fabulous work on the figures @taochi congratulations.

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