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2022 Hobby Log

2022 Hobby Log

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One door closes

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So 2022 is done. Thank the gods.

So a quick round up. I hate posting here these days because the site is so horribly slow but let us persevere.

Painted total for the year was only 143 but that included 13 pieces of terrain and a two month break to scream into the void. Some really fun minis in here to paint, in fact, I think I enjoyed all of them.


One door closes


This is my biggest disappointment of last year. I only managed two wee games of Warhammer Underworlds in November and that was it for the whole year in terms of miniatures games.

The first three months of the year, we had regular D&D sessions but those then died with only two other being held towards the end of the year.

Board games fared fractionally better but still a poor showing compared to previous years.

Must be time to start a new project and get on some resolutions

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