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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Bringing in a fiery brunette

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10

I’d say I’m nearly done with the roc. It’s been mostly just my own taking breaks and setting it aside that has prevented me from finishing it already as the holiday season with all the socializing. In the meantime I did have the game of SAGA before Christmas and I have yet to edit the photos to make the dramatically underwhelming pictures of the game come to life. I will do that soon enough. Here is the promised efreet from last post

So I’ve upgraded to a new phone as my previous one died a good death after seven years of service. Now, as I’ve been told, I can find all the parts that I screwed up on and lament the shortcomings of my skills. I say nuts to that noise Pundancer. Here is the handiwork of the new device. I’ve switched up the settings. Here they are per the photo:

  • F2.4
  • 1/30s
  • 7.0mm
  • ISO 320
  • white balance auto
  • no flash

I can parse out some of the technical info but I don’t know enough to have it pact my mind too much. I just thought that the exposure of 320 was most important for the moment of me taking the pictures given the lighting and the general theme of color value.

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Cult of Games Member

Beautifully painted.

Cult of Games Member

That’s some big pictures. I’m sure Lloyd will love that and the website storage will hate it XD Well done Sir.

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