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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Adding a splash of colour

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

28th December 2022

I have a few buildings that have yellow as their overall colour, but at this point the rest of my terrain was looking pretty drab. The weathering test came out quite well, but from ‘play height’ the majority of the terrain is pretty plain grey. So, time to inject a splash of colour!


To endeavour to tie in with the other buildings, I thought I would try using yellow as a spot colour on the grey buildings. ‘Cry ‘Havoc!’ And let slip the tape of masking!’

Out came the masking tape again. For some of the buildings I went for a broad horizontal band of the spot colour. On others, where it seemed more appropriate, I picked out the vertical embellishments on the panels (carefully masking off the lozenge parts on them).

Much masking, spraying, masking and spraying again and I have quite a stack of now somewhat more vibrant terrain. Ready to be finished off with the weathering techniques I have decided upon.

Once that is done I will need to work on the signs, bridges, scatter and such – so still quite a way to go on this yet….

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