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Forge Fathers - Firefight

Forge Fathers - Firefight

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Finishing things off

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

All the models bases were painted in VMC US Field Drab and when this was dry I applied PVA before dipping in Geek Gaming Scenics Mediterranean basing mix.

All models were then sealed in Citadel’s Munitorum spray varnish.

The Beauty Shots

Final Thoughts

I am really pleased with the project as a whole. Getting a 1000 point army painted and ready to play in around 100 hours or so is very satisfying.

I wish I had been more aggressive with the zenithal initially, pushing the highest level up to white, because the whole force is a little too dark in my opinion.

Having played a game with the army I do need to modify the list, but considering I got to the table without spending any ‘new’ money I don’t feel I can complain too much.

I only have a single command element and he has no bodyguard models so when he is removed I lose the option to activate command abilities in my army, so adding a second command element is a must.

In addition I also need more armour penetration in my attack profiles, as highly armoured targets like walkers and vehicles are hard to deal with if I lose my Veteran squad.

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warbossdzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Ooh They are brilliant looking figures @warbossd congratulations on receiving the gold button.

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