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The Ballad of Bradicles

The Ballad of Bradicles

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Treachery! Opening moves

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Setup after pre battle scouting. Setup after pre battle scouting.

“They have cavalry,” sighed Eeyoricles.

“I know brother.  I foresaw this. But not this thrice damned treachery of the Romans.”

Eeyoricles considered his brother. He’d rarely seen Bradicles angry before. This was a first. Well, at least in recent memory.

“Brother, you know the drill. Take the left flank, block the cavalry. The Hypaspists and Pezhetairoi will press the center and the slingers will support as needed.”

Eeyoricles nodded glumly. Seeing this Bradicles flashed his radiant smile, “Brother! Consider this, perhaps this will be an opportunity for TimToo to grill some horse flesh!”

And with that, Bradicles strode off, musician in tow. Eeyoricles glanced at the priest. He was clearly flustered by Bradicles comments on his culinary proclivities. The altar boy just drooled. He’d never eaten horse.

My units from left to right; Pezhetairoi with javelins, Eeyoricles, Hoplites, Slingers with Bradicles and musician behind them, Pezhetairoi with pikes to the right of the slingers and on the far right another unit of Pezhetairoi with javelins.

This scenario has two objectives. The center of the table and your opponents deployment area. Being able to control them adds a break point to your opponent.

I’m worried by the speed of the cavalry and it’s ability to get into my rear so I deployed the javelin men on the flanks as their speed and javelins will make up, somewhat, for my opponents speed advantage. My Hoplites and Pikemen should be able to hold the center and the slingers are there to add to the mayhem. If my opponent gets tired of being pelted he’ll have to advance to silence them giving my heavy infantry an opportunity wreck some havoc.

The Romans are arrayed, left to right, a unit of Equites, a unit of Principes, Hastati, Velites on the far side of the woods and a unit of Samnite allies.

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