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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Battle of the Bulge - Panzer Leader Meeting Engagement – Christmas 1944

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Join Oriskany Jim and Bill (Sitrep 6) for a rare look of two armored spearheads hitting each other in simultaneous advances. The example we’re looking at is the counterattack of 2nd US Armored Division against faltering forward elements of 2nd Panzer Division near Celles, Belgium in December 1944, recreated (in part) in Avalon Hill’s Panzer Leader.

This was the very apex of the German advance during the infamous “Battle of the Bulge” – widely regarded as the largest single engagement in the history of the United States Army.

Live Stream – 2:00PM East US / 7:00PM UK
Sitrep Podcast YouTube

The overall map (low res) of today's game.The overall map (low res) of today's game.
American forces (platoon / battery based) - includes leading element of Combat Command American forces (platoon / battery based) - includes leading element of Combat Command "B" (66th Armored Regiment, 41st Armored Infantry Regiment, plus artillery, engineer, and TD support units)
German forces, including 3. Pz Rgt, 304. PzGr Rgt, 74. PzArt Rgt, 38. PzJg Abtg, 2. PzAufk Abtg (all part of 2nd Panzer Division, XLVII Pz Corps, 5th Panzer Army).German forces, including 3. Pz Rgt, 304. PzGr Rgt, 74. PzArt Rgt, 38. PzJg Abtg, 2. PzAufk Abtg (all part of 2nd Panzer Division, XLVII Pz Corps, 5th Panzer Army).
A little background and context.A little background and context.
Some of the German set upSome of the German set up

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