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There And Back Again - An OTTer's Journey

There And Back Again - An OTTer's Journey

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Painting The Contents Of Battle In Balin's Tomb

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10

I was very lucky to get my hands on a copy of Battle In Balin’s Tomb which was available for a limited time last year. I have since undercoated everything and started work on the painting, beginning with the Moria Goblins as they can also be used for the expanding force that I need to go up against my Dwarves led by Balin.

Goblin SpearmenGoblin Spearmen
Goblin ArchersGoblin Archers
Goblin SwordsmenGoblin Swordsmen

The goblins took about 4 hours in total to paint. Drybrush over black, add the red, green and brown, wash with Nuln Oil and a bit of Reikland to mimic rust and then a bit of highlighting to make them stand out. Not a masterful job but it got them sorted on a mass scale without much issue.

The Troll was a bit more of a mammoth task as it involved a bunch of wet blending for the skin tone and then a wash that had to be worked back up. He still looks “dirty” but I think that’s fine for a Cave Troll. Need to sort some of the pooling out from the wash on the hammer but otherwise a fun model to paint.

Cave TrollCave Troll

In the grand scheme of things, I think I prefer the metal one that I painted but the plastic one also looks neat and will be good to just drop into the game box to be used specifically with Balin’s Tomb.

Good fun doing something a bit different and now I have to choose where to go next. Fellowship or more Dwarves? I kinda think I SHOULD paint my Rohan dismounts but I might indulge myself with something else for the moment.

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brennonElessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

These look great. Always really liked the Moria Goblins, for minis as old as they are they hold up really well. Don’t worry about Rohan dismounts, It’s been two years that I’ve had them on my table to paint and never even started.

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