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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Trying out some paint pens... eventually

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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12th December 2022

With work, and the season’s demands, I have only made some small progress this past week unfortunately.

But, for what it’s worth, here it is:

For the repair bay I wanted to add a bit of visual variety to the roof area, so I chose to put some broad hazard type markings onto it.

I masked the roof off with some low tack masking tape that I bought for decorating. In hindsight I should possibly have reduced the tape width, but its done now ?

The low tack was perhaps a little too low in some places, and I did get some bleed under of the black. To work with this I have treated it as areas of damage / wear, where the yellow has been abraded.

The paint pens that I ordered finally arrived, so I set about using the silver to add some edge highlights, scratch marks and such like to areas of the black on the roof. I’m actually quite pleased with how it came out in places.

Trying out some paint pens... eventually

The pack also had white paint pens (the main reason I got it) so I just had time to try that out on one of the grey terrain pieces.

Trying out some paint pens... eventually

Not sure if I will be able to get much more done this week sadly, but if I have anything to show at the due date of next update I will post it up ?

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