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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey - Wave 1 Arrives

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

[Edit 20/3/23] I know I’m not starting this during the Spring Cleaning window, but I am still working on it and will be finishing the current wave of minis during that time so I’m tagging it for the competition.  Disqualify me if you want.  I more than understand.  No harm done by putting my name in the hat.


I backed this KS back in September 2019 and Wave one of two arrived recently.  I count 32 models in the box, with 12 plug and play parts for 6 of them.  You can climb some models in game so this lets you swap out a random tentacle or something and put a platform there instead so your Titan can actually stand on the monster.

What if the myths and legends of  ancient Greece didn’t end the way they did?  What if Gods and man worked together to bring about a world of cultural and technological wonder.  What if this went on long enough that the gods believed themselves masters of all creations and they’d learned all there was to learn.  They had one last secret of creation to learn and had an experiment that would give them the answer.  However, that experiment went wrong, and in the blink of an eye all the gods were wiped out, civilization took a kicking, and a new wave of humongous horrors got unleashed on an unprepared world.

After ten years of these monsters plaguing mankind, the game begins with us playing as the crew of the Argo, a vast city sized ship of advanced technology, setting out to figure out what happened and bring the fight to these vast incomprehensible Kaiju.  But what can a human do against a monster that towers over even the tallest building?  They can inject their consciousness’s in to modified Titans and pilot them in to battle in a style the lawyers from Avatar wish to discuss.

Gameplay wise, it’s strongly Kingdom Death inspired, but instead of the monsters getting weaker as the fight goes on, they get stronger.  The game has a much stronger narrative too, with half the game being world exploration, which I’m told is inspired by 7th Continent (I think?), but I don’t know anything about that game.

KS Link

I’ll do a more detailed examination of things later as I start working with it, but for now, here’s pics of the boxes contents before I took it all out to wash.  These pics are essential, otherwise I’ll never remember where it all goes later!

After only a quick inspection I’d have to say these models are probably better than any other prebuilt minis I’ve worked with (From Mythic, Steamforged, or Cephalofair games), but I reserve my final judgement until after I’ve actually put paint on stuff.

The intro / learn to play section called the Prelude only requires 7 models.  My first goal will be to get them painted up before I start playing.  After that, this box is split on to three story Cycles, with wave 2 containing two more Cycles, each supposedly bigger than Cycles 1-3 combined.

The box is slightly bigger than the KDM box, and noticeably heavier too.  It’s white on white art style makes it very hard to take pictures of.

I’ve a few other models in my painting desk to finish up before I can start work on ATO, but I hope to start before the end of Christmas.

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Cult of Games Member

I am not surprised to see you backed this Kickstarter.

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