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Salve Mutinus Tutunus!

Salve Mutinus Tutunus!

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Novum stultum inspirationis

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Sitting and thinking more on the silliness of the project I decided to give the unit a designation of being the 6th cohort of Trajan’s Victorious Thirtieth Legion or “cohors sextus Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix”. Yes, I have had waaay to much time to sit and think about this as well with the word games that have bubbled up in my twisted mind.

I’ve also come to think of the governing authority to whom the legion reported. The name of this leader within the empire might well be Licentious Curious (inspired by the names of proconsuls of Moesia, Gaius Scribonius Curio and Marcus Licinius Crassus) but then I came up with the name Pubicus Silius Nervous (thanks to the governer of Dalmatia, Publius Silius Nerva).

The backstory of the unit is filling out at the moment and I have more thoughts to ruminate on. Creativity sometimes must be developed slowly. Perhaps this might be a good direction to work my brain should I get bogged down on the build/paint portion of hobbying in future.

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