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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Slow, but steady

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10

23rd November 2022

I had thought that I would be into the painting stage now, but things have gone a little slower than intended. However, I am trying not to let this put a negative spin on the project progress.

Its still moving along, and I have more structures completed.

I wanted to have a couple of larger buildings (at base level at least) so in addition to making the ‘repair workshop’ larger I made a new structure centred around a cross shape.

I used the precious two triangular pieces I acquired to round off one end.

Then I took one of my few remaining floor/roof tiles and carefully cut it in half along the diagonal.

Adding these to the building gave it a more rounded shape, to help break up the right angles present in the rest of the buildings. But it did end up reminding me of something….

To feel like I had moved things along, I went ahead and painted up a small structure. This was to represent a small generator building, or possibly a comms building. For most of the buildings I am planning to use a red primer paint, then go over with grey followed by white. But for this I wanted a more striking (and somewhat industrial) look, so opted for a yellow coat after the prime. I will possibly do a few small structures this way, to add touches of colour variance.

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I know you’re joking about the tin of Quality Streets, but I backed the original KS and my intention was always to whack one on the table if needed, and screw the size difference. However, I have an empty tub in front of me and the dimensions are interesting. Deadzone runs on 3″x3″ squares, right? Well the tub is just short of 9″x9″, and is just under 3″ tall without the lid and just over 3″ tall with the lid. The lid has a lip too, so the “roof” might be 3″ aboveground level with a small raised edge. I’ll… Read more »

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