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The GREAT BATTLE of our time

The GREAT BATTLE of our time

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Out of turn sequence: The fate of Melian.

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

Melian was a great archer. He was even among his own people, famous for their feats with the bow across Middle-earth.

But when Melian saw the enormous stone burst the brains of her friend Estel and a couple more of his mates, he thought that none of them were going to get out of there alive. There they were, on top of the walls, so happy, all the men of Gondor. “Let’s help them” said Estel a week ago.

Look where you are now, man. Well, elf.

So when the second stone whistled through the sky at full speed against them, Melian was the only one who moved his right foot slightly back… imperceptibly to human eyes… but not to the eyes of his companions. Like a spring, they all decided that they would be safer behind the wall. What followed was a succession of wailing, shouting, and unmartial howling, asking those inside the wall to open the door, for Varda, or for Yavanna, or whoever, but please open the door.

The Gondorian Gentlemen, althought lacking the style of their edain ancestors, are polite enough to let them in.

But the companions did not have enough just sitting inside the fortress, sharing some Lembas and having a rest… they had to get up the walls, to keep fighting. And so Melian followed him.

“Death is just another path, one that we all must take.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings.

The Fate of MelianThe Fate of Melian

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