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The Big Stocktake

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Crimson Skies - Part 1

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 11

So, from an alternative World War One setting and onto an Alternative World War Two setting.  At least that is where I have set my Crimson Skies collection.

Crimson Skies has seen a few different incarnations.  Personally, I am a fan of the 1998 Fasa release.  Fans of Battletech should really check this system out if they can find a copy.

The game features a unique template to mark off damage boxes meaning that you can literally bore into and potentially through an enemy plane if you manage to keep hitting the same location.  It is actually possible to cut a plane in half with some well-placed concentrated fire.

All these figures are the white metal releases from the Fasa version of the game.

I have magnetised the bottoms of the planes and the flight stands for easier transport.

Crimson Skies - Part 1
Crimson Skies - Part 1
Crimson Skies - Part 1
Crimson Skies - Part 1

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Cult of Games Member

I love the plane designs and I played the game on my XBox360 over and over. The designs are just a sight to behold!

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