2022 Miniature Log
So in October I played some 6th ed Warhammer. Gods but I’ve missed it! I of course wanted to build a DoW army and so built 30 Duellists with pistols and a bunch of Ogres. I found a packet of Orc standards rgar looked suitably 6th ed. I also decided to paint them to match my old Golgfags Ogres BUT I couldn’t remember my old basing formula so Golgfags got new basing. Of course that led to me repairing and rebasing the Cursed Company, which led to …. Why can’t I stay on task?
People from the 6th ed tournament sceen of yesteryear suffered many defeats from my DoW. Fate willing, they will again. I also took the opportunity to repair some damaged old RoR’s that I’ll post soon. If I remember, Which my project systems suggests I wont.
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