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Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog

Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog

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Conclusions, and the end of the Project

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

31st October 2022

In addition to the battle summary I posted earlier, I just felt that I should lay out some of my thoughts regarding the project, how things went, what worked (or didn’t) and suchlike.

To begin with I have to say that it worked, plain and simple ?


At the start of the project I was posting daily updates, which was what I needed at the time to give me the focus to actually carry out some hobby each day.

That gave me the mental grounding to get into the ‘habit’ of just cracking on with some hobby, even if it was just a small amount, and allowed me to overcome my previous ‘mental blockers’.


Over time I changed to weekly updates, which again suited where I was at that point in the project. Once the patterns were established I felt comfortable with that frequency of update, as I didn’t then need the daily deadline to ensure I carried out regular hobby sessions.

I don’t want it to sound like I was pressuring myself in a negative way though – as that could lead to a downward spiral. Instead I chose to take the fact that I was able to do daily updates as a positive, and built on that foundation.


From box opening on the 15th August to today’s conclusion post the project took 11 weeks.

Some days I didn’t have any hobby, one week we were on holiday and some days it may have been 30 mins or less.

But, it got done – and that is a big difference for me; as someone with not just a plastic pile of shame/opportunity, but also white metal and even lead piles ?


Playing the game with the completed scenery and minis at the weekend was good. We both realised though that at the distance we were from the table, and concentrating on gameplay that was new to us, we didn’t really pay much attention to the paint jobs! ?


If you are just painting in order to just get on and play then just concentrate on how they look from the distance that you will normally see them. I’m glad that I did give them a bit more detailed paintjob (by my standards that is) though, as I have been able to share the pics with my club mates and yourselves here.


To anyone thinking of starting a hobby project here I would say – ‘go for it’ ?


And to Gerry – thanks for the little nudge (one word, “project!” ) to do a project for my prize win. (And for the Golden Button spotlight on the project [Although Ben would have added it to the project for me, just saying….. ? ] .)


So, what's next?

Not 100% sure, but I think that up next will be some Deadzone scenery and strike teams.

Then after that, well things may have changed by whenever that is, but I think it will be Star wars Legion – as I have quite a bit from the May 4th sale un-started…..


To those of you that have taken a look at my project over the past few months, and those that are still reading – thanks for taking the time to view my ramblings and my limited photographic skills, I appreciate the time you have given me.

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