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(Star) Saga of a Deadzone

(Star) Saga of a Deadzone

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Ogan Helkkare & tokens

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Ogan Helkkare, his sentry guns, shield tokens and a surely helpful bomb bag join the completed pile.

I decided to go in strong on the cyberpunk look with some dazzlingly bright colours.  I’m tempted to reuse it on something in future, possibly a full Forge Father strike team if I ever get around to it!

One character left to go and on to cranking out the Star Saga scenery in hopefully short order to clear this project off the list!

Ogan Helkkare & tokens
Ogan Helkkare & tokens
Ogan Helkkare & tokens

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uglebonlyonepinman Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I love that colour scheme! I went with the artwork one on mine but those colours really work

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