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Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

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The Tournament

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

In three weeks I printed and painted a 600 Point MESBG Force (minus 1) so the only reasonable thing to do was take them to a tournament. With the permission of the TO of course.

600 Point List

Imrahil Prince of Dol Amroth – (No Horse or Lance, I was told by multiple people this was insane and it was but the truly insane thing is that it completely worked).

13 Clansmen of Dol Amroth

Angbor the Fearless

13 Clansmen of Lamedon

Forlong the Fat (comes with a free Warhorn)

13 Clansmen of Lamedon


Fight 4, Defence 4, Courage 5+1 on base troops with a 12 Inch Banner, rerolling 1’s and fearless meant I was running a glass canon, luckily this glass canon was kilted.


These aren’t my pictures so their quality is your problem and not mine.

First game was against the Witch King, a group of Morannon Orcs with a sprinkling of Morgul Knights and most terrifying of all a Catapult with Troll.First game was against the Witch King, a group of Morannon Orcs with a sprinkling of Morgul Knights and most terrifying of all a Catapult with Troll.
Luckily for me I rolled an unnatural amount of naturl 6's, thanks to the Banner effect. Also the game was a Clash by Moonlight which meant his catapult only hit on a 6. I rushed forward, broke the line while about half his army was sitting at the back of the board firing a catapult. I couldn't get in contact with the Witch King and only kept Imrahil alive thanks to his troll rolling a 5 to win a fight after Imrahil was transfixed in the last roll of the game. Major win to me.Luckily for me I rolled an unnatural amount of naturl 6's, thanks to the Banner effect. Also the game was a Clash by Moonlight which meant his catapult only hit on a 6. I rushed forward, broke the line while about half his army was sitting at the back of the board firing a catapult. I couldn't get in contact with the Witch King and only kept Imrahil alive thanks to his troll rolling a 5 to win a fight after Imrahil was transfixed in the last roll of the game. Major win to me.
These aren't pictures of my game but I did fight against the Dwarves in this picture. Burly Khazard Guard are some of the best troops in the game and it turns out D4 against S4 with a free +1 to wound means Clansmen disappear very fast.These aren't pictures of my game but I did fight against the Dwarves in this picture. Burly Khazard Guard are some of the best troops in the game and it turns out D4 against S4 with a free +1 to wound means Clansmen disappear very fast.
The Kings Champion and Durin did slaughter a lot but Four Dwarf Rangers did a huge amount of damage with their bows and throwing axes, I sent a detachment of six Clansmen to deal with them in after a few turns I had done zero damage and taken 4-5 losses. Those little Dwarf Rangers are tough.The Kings Champion and Durin did slaughter a lot but Four Dwarf Rangers did a huge amount of damage with their bows and throwing axes, I sent a detachment of six Clansmen to deal with them in after a few turns I had done zero damage and taken 4-5 losses. Those little Dwarf Rangers are tough.

Game Two was the Classic "Objective in the Middle" game and I managed to mitigate it down to only a Minor Loss. At this point I'm still ahead.

Game Three was against a Mordor Army of Morannon Orcs and Black Numenorians. The Terror meant nothing to me but the Fight 4 became a real pain.Game Three was against a Mordor Army of Morannon Orcs and Black Numenorians. The Terror meant nothing to me but the Fight 4 became a real pain.
The Game was tag the five objectives. My Left pushed hard and with some well placed heroic combats I managed to completely collapse his flank.The Game was tag the five objectives. My Left pushed hard and with some well placed heroic combats I managed to completely collapse his flank.
Imrahil went on a rampage to sneak through the enemy lines and charge the Nazgul. Angborn took on Gothmog, killed his War and tied him up keeping his heroic action countering nonsense away from Imrahil. Forlong Focused on heroic Combats with 3-4 Clansmen to swarm the flank and not let my opponent counter my moves.Imrahil went on a rampage to sneak through the enemy lines and charge the Nazgul. Angborn took on Gothmog, killed his War and tied him up keeping his heroic action countering nonsense away from Imrahil. Forlong Focused on heroic Combats with 3-4 Clansmen to swarm the flank and not let my opponent counter my moves.
In the last turn I managed to take the last objective and it all came down to a single combat, a combat was being fought where both models were touching the tie breaker objective and whoever won the fight would win the game, it all came down to the last roll. I won, a minor win to me.In the last turn I managed to take the last objective and it all came down to a single combat, a combat was being fought where both models were touching the tie breaker objective and whoever won the fight would win the game, it all came down to the last roll. I won, a minor win to me.
I had a great day, a friend I convinced to come along with me at the last minute placed 3rd, I have no idea where I ended up but it felt like a top half finish which is fine by me. What I was very happy about and very surprised about was winning Runner Up Players Choice (It's basically for Painting, in Australia we stopped having Sportsmanship Scores a long time ago). Not bad for two weeks worth of work.I had a great day, a friend I convinced to come along with me at the last minute placed 3rd, I have no idea where I ended up but it felt like a top half finish which is fine by me. What I was very happy about and very surprised about was winning Runner Up Players Choice (It's basically for Painting, in Australia we stopped having Sportsmanship Scores a long time ago). Not bad for two weeks worth of work.

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Cult of Games Member

Amazing work @elessar2590! Especially since this is all 3D printed. I’ve recently started buying some 3D printed minis and yours look 10,000 times better than mine. 😀

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