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Conquest the last argument of Jodain

Conquest the last argument of Jodain

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Not so complete

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well I made the mistake of marking this project as complete, which back in June it was.  Para bellum have of course released some new figures for the Dweghom, and thanks to the OTT store I got these in hand for the release date.  However, time meant that they sat in the box unassembled until now that is.  12 Initiates and 12 Wardens assembled.  The Initiates were the more challenging to put together, ensuring the arms fitted the bodes, the Wardens looked to be the most challenging to put into blocks with their axes held well away from their bodies.

For the moment they are assembled and ready for painting, which will happen shortly as we’ve offered this game up for Cavalier 2023, which is on 23rd February 2023.

Not so complete

My eldest son has also decided after the show that he wants to have a hundred kingdoms army, so he has some men-at-arms he is painting and I picked up some second hand figures and have started on a household knight.  So far a white primer and then two-thin coats of AP Dragon Red with a wash AP Red Tone over the top.

Not so complete

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