Demonsub is Five Leagues From The Borderlands
Campaign Turn 9 & 10
After the events of the previous battle the party was pretty shot up. Petra the Feral was still healing up but Dar the barbarian was back on his feet and itching for some activity. The rest of the party were in the fields helping out. It was a nice change of pace and helped to pay some of the living expenses.
There was enough coin for a blacksmith to hammer out a few dents in a damaged piece of armour and to fix a few leather buckles.
Kremmel the wizard decided to sell some of his mystical trinkets, little items he carried to help with his casting but never used.
Travelling and exploring were not an option while Petra was still injured so the rest of the group decided to go on patrol near Shieldstown. Before leaving Petra let Kiri take her longbow.
While out on patrol the party came upon a stone circle, but all was not quiet. A group of Gnolls were performing some sort of vile right and needed to be stopped. Arrows were loosed to little effect, Kiri being inexperienced. The gnolls began to move quickly around towards the party, using the standing stones as cover.
Suddenly they were surrounded. Kiri managed to kill one or two gnolls but the group were soon overwhelmed. Kremmel cast fear several times on the gnolls but to little effect. The gibbering horde had safety in numbers.
Back at Shieldstown the party licked their wounds. Thankfully the gnolls hadn’t stuck around and finished them off, maybe believing they’d killed them. Kremmel believed it was solely down to good luck that he was still alive but that certainly won’t last. Hands was the only one who had taken significant injuries but nothing that wouldn’t heal, it would take a while though. Dar’s bastard sword was also damaged and would need the attention of a blacksmith before it could be used again.
Things were pretty bad.
Later that week while a scholar of renown was passing through causing a stir among certain parts of the town, the group were on night watch duty, taking care of drunks and petty thieves. It was the only way they’d be able to pay the innkeeper this week, as funds were very low. As Kremmel was on his way to sell his last mystical trinket he was stopped by one of the nobles of the town. As a thank you for their efforts a donation from the people was given, the sum of 2 gold marks.
This was enough to pay for medical healing for Petra so she was now back on her feet. It was also enough to buy a couple of slings for Dar and Kiri, as Petra would be taking her longbow back. It was very apparent that combat at range might be the best solution.
It was time to go on patrol leaving only the injured Hands in town. Rumours of a grim looking knight terrorising travellers in some local woods were heard. The group went to investigate.
While following a path through the woods near some crossroads howls were heard. A pack of wild dogs came running through the trees followed by the grim green knight. Petra drops two hounds with her bow almost straight off, and with the help of Kremmel’s fear spell two more hounds run off, tails between their legs. The knight was spotted in the distance, his armour slowing him down. Several hounds rushed at Petra, then the knight was suddenly upon her. She managed to fend them off but suffered a slight wound for her efforts. Meanwhile Kiri and Gregnil the dwarf were fighting four other hounds. Kiri killed several, both in combat and with her sling, while Gregnil suffered a bite from one of the hounds.
Dar rushed in to help Petra, and killed a hound with his sling. Taking the chance, Petra hopped over a nearby wall, rushed around and shot the knight in the back, killing him. This caused a nearby hound to flee into the woods.
Only one last hound was still alive and wounded at that. Petra ran up and promptly shot it over a wall and killed it. Mission successful, and a much needed moral booster.
A longbow was found on the knight’s body which Kiri takes.
Upon returning to Shieldstown news of the knight’s death had spread. It turned out that this knight had been a notorious villain and the group are now seen as local heroes.
Things were looking good.
A great read and your terrain looks fantastic. Having played a few trail encounters of 5LFTB the single d6, while “simple” does lead to a random/brutal game play – when I step into a full campaign I might add a few optional rules (time will tell). Thanks again for posting this.
Thank you and I’m happy you enjoyed it. Yeah, you need to play in a very careful way with this system. It’s why I really think ranged is the way to go, at least until you get a few miniatures with a higher combat skill.