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Napoleon of the West

Napoleon of the West

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Last two infantry units

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment
I've painted up another 40 infantry which completes my force for attacking the alamo. I have ten more cazadors to paint but then I can move on to the texans. I had an email from boothill miniatures after my last purchase and they enquired as to what I was up to with my collection. I've been picking up Mexican infantry each month for nearly a year so they were starting to wonder why I needed so many. Nice when a company take notice and appreciate your business I've painted up another 40 infantry which completes my force for attacking the alamo. I have ten more cazadors to paint but then I can move on to the texans. I had an email from boothill miniatures after my last purchase and they enquired as to what I was up to with my collection. I've been picking up Mexican infantry each month for nearly a year so they were starting to wonder why I needed so many. Nice when a company take notice and appreciate your business
I need to add some banners for my companiesI need to add some banners for my companies

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Cult of Games Member

This looks fantastic. Can’t wait to see the final battle.

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