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The Cococuqui - Ladies of the Jungle

The Cococuqui - Ladies of the Jungle

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Samba queens of the jungle?

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Owing to the nature of the natural world showing danger in bright bold colors the ladies of the Cococucqui will snap the eyes to attention with their clothing. This is only fitting for the perils of the Axolotl jungle.

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. I’ll be using the color scheme of the previous lot of Amazons for my Hearthguard. The rabbit hole of samba queens is too deep and the riot of color too great to not fall into for inspiration. Whittling down the final color scheme has been difficult. I will work off these for my armored melee troops. I hope I’ll be able to keep the general hoi poloi of hues in check.

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