Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog
The Warbands are underway
7th October 2022
Been a while ?
My wife and I had a short break to North Wales, but before and since I have still been getting in small amounts of hobby time, almost every day.
This work has been on the Darkoath Savagers warband.
I started off by applying some basing paste (Agrellan) to make a cracked earth effect.
Then it was onto spraying undercoat for them.
I started off with Wraithbone, as I intended to use a mix of contrast paints and regular paints on them.
I followed this up with a spray of Vallejo white through my airbrush (still a novice user) from directly overhead.
I hoped that this would add to the contrast effect (but I’m not sure that it made much difference really – probably would have been more impactful if over a grey)
Next it was on to getting some paint down – I started off with the (aptly named) Darkoath Flesh contrast.
I found this a little too heavy initially, so added medium to it when I rolled it out across the warband.
Following this I proceeded to pick out a few key colours for use on the warband, and picked a base colour.
I went with Terracotta for the bases (since I used this to weather the scenery pieces, I was hoping it would tie in well).
For the gang I went for various leather tones (created using mixes of pure snakebite upto pure Wildwood, plus some greys and blacks), golds and silvers for the metallics, and red for the tabards.
The base Blood angles red contrast was a little too vibrant for what I wanted. So for the couple I had already applied it on, I took it back a little by giving it an agrax earthshade wash.
For the rest I mixed a little wildwood into the red to take the edge off it.
So, at this point, I had ten models all part done ?
I decided next to focus on smaller groups, aiming to pick out some more details, add a little shading and highlighting and getting them to a point I call as ‘ready for the table top’……
My eyesight combined with my hand control is no longer good enough to paint eyes on the minis – so I tend to just put a shade into the eye socket and hope for the best ?
I may treat myself to a new fine brush to see if that will help with the situation a little.
So here are five of the gang ready to see some action:
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