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Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M

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22 Jun 17: Do You Remember the Colours of Spring?

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Colours of Spring in the Lantern-lit dark... The Colours of Spring in the Lantern-lit dark...

Before the Spring Clean Challenge was the Colours of Spring.
My entry then was inspired by the Nightmare Tree. 3D terrain for a game that doesn’t really need it. Scatter terrain that would work in Kingdom Death, but also in other games.

Some of the ideas for these pieces were drawn from the tokens included in the game. But the wonderful Hunt table gave me so much more inspiration.
Feeling in a terrain build mood, and prepping for another challenge, I put together some more pieces.

In the image above the inspiration and what they count as:

  • event 18: Dead Weed – Acanthus plant 1×1
  • event 82: Consuming Grass – Acanthus 1×1, Toppled Pillar 4×1 and Long Grass 2×2
  • event 87: Weeping Faces – Acanthus 1×1
  • event 24: food from the Mouths of Others – Acanthus 1×1
  • White Lion Hunt deck: Sea of Golden Grass – Acanthus 1×1 and Long Grass 2×2
  • Event 11: Monster Droppings – Ore 1×1 or Debris 1×1 (yep, poo)

13 Sep 22: Thank-you, Past Me!

At some point in the past, I had a copy of original Warhammer Quest. At some point in the past, I had a copy of original Warhammer Quest.

In my foolishness, I sold it to obtain other gaming goods. A sad story for another day. Before I sold it though, I made a very rough mold of the door piece. I’ve had that mold sitting in with other gaming supplies for a long time. Now was the time to use it.

I cast using Green Stuff. Not sure if this was the best material, but I had it to hand.

Event 99: The Portcullis

Counts as a Stone Colum 2×1

A portcullis, standing alone. It doesn’t bar the way and the survivors can walk all the way around it. There is a lock… if only they had a key…

I have a stack of bases ready made from when I started this idea. I aligned one half on a 2×1 base and pushed a couple of cocktail sticks through to provide support through the uprights of the arch.

Build a door frame. Build a door frame.

14 Sep 22: Bars

Cocktail sticks pushed through the cork and trimmed to make the bars. A matchstick to top them. Cocktail sticks pushed through the cork and trimmed to make the bars. A matchstick to top them.

19 Sep 22: Detailing the Portcullis, also Ore tokens

I added a piece of card on each side at the top to fill in the gap there, roughed up the edges of the tile to blend into the table better and used the resultant cork rubble to blend the archway into the base.I added a piece of card on each side at the top to fill in the gap there, roughed up the edges of the tile to blend into the table better and used the resultant cork rubble to blend the archway into the base.
The Ore tokens use Secret Weapon crystals added to the usual Scibor resin facesThe Ore tokens use Secret Weapon crystals added to the usual Scibor resin faces

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