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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Soviet BT-7 Fast Tank.

Tutoring 14
Skill 15
Idea 13
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Soviet BT-7 Fast Tank.


I like the idea (which is also my justification for using this tank in Stalingrad) that this is a lone survivor of the vast tank armies that pretty much got destroyed earlier in the War.

It has bags of character, but ‘light tank’ armour and a ‘light Anti-Tank Gun’, which means it will struggle against Panzer III and IV’s, but is a real threat to infantry (it has a Co-Axial MMG. so it can fire the main gun or the MMG) and artillery, even if in cover. It will also be great for chasing down Hanomags, Trucks and Armoured cars.

The paint scheme is simple, and I applied an heavy level of weathering and scratches to the paint work, to give the impression of heavy use and ware.

The red star was achieved by use of an airbrush and a Star  Stencil from Anarchy models.

Anarchy Models Stars:—allied-stars-39-p.asp

Soviet BT-7 fast tank

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