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Fwee Dorfs - KOW

Fwee Dorfs - KOW

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So having spent too long in the original update before the system crashed I am going to summarise….

So for the doubles 1000pt game I took along:

1 unit of Shieldbeakers (with throwing dogs)

2 troops of rangers

1 horde of Earth Elementals

2 reg of Dogs (with throwing dogs)

Packmaster (with munchberries)

Standard Bearer

The acolyte (campaign “free” model)

SO how did it go?

I lost – bad. Tabled in fact apart from 1 reg of dogs, my acolyte and I think the standardbearer…

There were moments of brightness however – My scouting shieldbreakers wiped a unit of archers on the first turn before they got a shot off. My doggos and packmaster managed to take down a unit of firechickens with throwinging dogs and a charge of the remaining dog reg.

So what are my takeaways…

  • Watch Flanks, watch flanks, watch flanks
  • Hit things until they are dead – I allowed myself to get distracted and decided to shoot at my opponent’s acolyte rather than the nearly dead unit of swords that might have removed them.
  • If your opponent questions your actions think about why – the chap commanding the army in point 2 gave me a chance to think again before I rolled, he is a good guy and a far better Know player than me, but I got target lock…
  • Think about what to do if I win a melee – whilst in an exposed position following wiping the archers I left me shieldbreakers flank exposed to a charge from a horde of fire elementals which they did not survive. Whilst they were threatened by two units if I had pivoted or pulled back a bit then I might have survived a turn longer or pulled other units away from the main fight. Instead I left them picking flowers from amongst the dead and they got what they had coming
  • Roll better!!

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