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Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

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What the El!

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Elfric and the El women are the final set from the Warlord second wave.  Not sure if they have any more planned but it looks like they want to move on now to ABC Warriors which is great for fans of that but a pity from my perspective.

I wanted a slightly other worldliness about the El, they are demons from another dimension after all.  Therefore I highlighted the clothing using Vallejo Fluro colours.  Elfric’s cloak was a blend of Slaughter Red in the recesses and Blood Red for the highlights and then the very top edges of the folds and edges were further emphasised with Magenta Fluro.

Likewise the El women had their 80’s aerobics inspired clothing highlighted with orange, blue and green Fluro paints respectively.

I’ve still got some Slaine bits left to do.  There are a couple of Foundry Slaine models, Slaine’s chariot, a skyship and the Alternatice Armies Sidhe and Fir Bolg.  I may get through them slowly this year but I’m keen to get one of the big miniature boardgames painted beforec December so I’ve mostly moved on to painting my Conan TMG and you can follow my progress here.

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