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Orinoco's Occasional Forge Fathers Project

Orinoco's Occasional Forge Fathers Project

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If I had a hammer

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Before Sundancer presses his button the line on the vambraces are meant to be there.  If only there was a vambrace expert available to explain that metal vambraces are in two parts.  Also was thinking that some of the gloves where designed like batting gloves for cricket, but that might actually be a flaw (not a mould line!).Before Sundancer presses his button the line on the vambraces are meant to be there. If only there was a vambrace expert available to explain that metal vambraces are in two parts. Also was thinking that some of the gloves where designed like batting gloves for cricket, but that might actually be a flaw (not a mould line!).

Nine Steel Warriors converted to Thorgarim to add to the one that I’ve already done.  Six have just had a stick bomb from the Steel Warrior kit stuck to the end of the shaft to lengthen it for double handed use.  Three are using a hammer from the Mantic Dwarf Ironclad sprue (possibly the command sprue) with a mine/shield projector stuck on it.  The nine right arms are spare Magma Cannon and Hailstorm Autocannon arms with the weapons cut off and handles drilled out and shaped.  They’re not lined up properly but it’s the best I could do  (There’s also a Bill Clinton joke in there somewhere but I don’t know what it is).


For painting it’s the same scheme as the 7th and 8th of April, but sprayed from above after priming with Medium Olive (Vallejo Model Air).

Next:  Group photo and putting project on hold

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