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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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Playing with foliage

Tutoring 10
Skill 15
Idea 15

I had some fun with tufts today and went into another material I didn’t think I had much use for. My local hobby shop had Woodland Scenics light green bushes (SKU: FC145) on offer and I took a chance seeing how it would work. Its honestly been months since I bought them and only now think that this is a good time to use them. I think it came out pretty well.

Plain metal, so sadPlain metal, so sad

The figure is Persephone from Reaper (SKU: 03919) and its been given the love of a display piece I wanted to show it. I probably could have obsessed mord and lamented my effort but I’ve gotten it done and now set it into my Case of Completion; its a collective of finished pieces I’m setting into large Chessex dice boxes until I have a proper case again.

The Case of Completion has been an idea I started a few years ago for dispay pieces and things I’ve done as an answer to my Hoard of Shame. Seeing my progress as I continue painting is helpful and it sometimes gives me that pick-me-up to keep going on. With moving so much I’ve not been able to do this and I get my dopamine rush from seeing my regular customer display the items in his own cases. Now, onto more stuff.

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Cult of Games Member

That tree and basing really makes it pop

Cult of Games Member

Beautiful ???

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