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Fwee Dorfs - KOW

Fwee Dorfs - KOW

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So finally getting off my arse to report on September’s game, and next steps.

We played a doubles game, 1000 pts each. My fellow Earth Element follower was a Halflings player, and I think between us we’d played under 10 games of Kings… what could go wrong!

I went with a reg of Shieldbreakers, 2 troops of rangers, 1 horde of earth elementals, 2 reg of doggos, a packmaster and a standardbearer.


The game actually started well.   I scout marched my dwarves forward, and got a the first turn. The chap opposite me was playing Basileans following Fire and was quite surprised at the speed of the dwarves, and that i managed to charge his scouting archers through a wood and wipe them turn 1!

Unfortunately I left them to sit in a wood and then they got flanked by fire elementals and one shot’d in turn. I counter charged in with the earth elementals but again left a flank open for his greater Fire elemental.

On the left my doggo’s managed to kill a unit of baby fire chickens but at the cost of 1 reg and the packmaster but still was still very good effort from the throwing dogs.

The two units of rangers steadily chipped away at a unit of twohanded sword chaps and could have finished them… if I hadnt got carried away and tried to go for the guys acolyte.

That was pretty much it for my side of the board, got tabled by the end, whilst my team mate did ok, but ultimately suffered the same fate.

Pics will be uploaded later on when my phone has charged up again, and I’ve started prepping for the next game – 1500 pts



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