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Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog

Warcry: Red Harvest - a self motivational project blog

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The first milestone

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8

18th September.

I have continued to get in a bit of hobby each day, so this project/log has definitely been a motivational help.

So, from last post I carried on with the scatter terrain pieces, painting lots and lots of small ropes.  Hard work on my old eyes at times, but I think that once done it really helped the pieces to ‘pop’

Next up I decided to add a bit of weathering.  My intention with this was to try to ‘tie-in’ some colours to that of the base board.  So, looking at that and then going through my paints I ended up choosing an old GW Terracotta paint.

To endeavour to add some realism, I applied a drybrush of this on to the lower parts of all of the terrain pieces, slightly heavier at the very bottom.

Pretty happy with how it came out (Some pics a little washed out)

Such a happy skellie!Such a happy skellie!

With that weathering done, next up was a liberal application of good old Nuln Oil, doing its stuff ?

Once this was dry I went back in and drybrushed some chain mail silver on the various gargoyle heads, certain strap junctions,  chains, gears and such like. Plus some copper rails on the gate type ducting parts.

I wasn’t really sure how to handle the Varanite, and after some tests with reds and yellows I ended up going with a gold base tone. This may change in the future,  but for now I’m calling the terrain done.

The first milestone

And of course I then had to lay it all out on the base board to see how it looked

The completed terrain laid outThe completed terrain laid out

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draconiszorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on your project terrain @draconis can’t wait to see the figures painted up for the game.

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