The Great Grey Massacre.
Whys and Wherefores.
The above were 3d prints I purchased off ebay they looked like they were PLA printed. There was a lot of pronounced layer lines so I gave then a heavy sanding. I then primed them, painted them grey, gave them a heavy black wash and then drybrushed them. I also had a go at stippling them for the first time. The runes were painted using Green Stuff Worlds Chameleon paints
This larger waystone was made from a template I downloaded from a youtube video which alas I cannot find anymore. The chap painted it to look like marble and made the template available to download. It looked amazing.
I made the basic shape printing the template onto thin card and then strengthened it with cereal box card to add detail. I textured it with a wash of watered down filler. I then drybrushed it and added some bits from the Games Workshop High Elf Spearmen box. These were painted with Scale Colour blue metallic a wash of their blue ink and then a light drybrush of the blue metallic again to bring out the definition of the raised details.
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