Infinity: Defiance & Beyond
14. Qiang Gao
Qiang Gao is probably my second favourite of the hero models from the core set and I was really looking forward to painting him. It also gave me chance to practice yellow armour – something I may have a lot of in the future when I get around to painting my Yu-Jing Infinity models (of which there are many). He wasn’t as easly to paint as I was expecting, mostly because of the way the arm is posed. I decided to paint the gun arm separately which actually proved quite fiddly. The main model was done using a paint grip but I didn’t have anything equivalent for painting the arm and so paint was constantly being worn off. Eventually I settled for doing a very basic paint job on the reverse side that isn’t very visible and then sticking it to the main model before finishing it off. Also the face was a nightmare, I still don’t really know how I got that eye on there because the eye sockets were TINY. I think I need something smaller than a 000 brush for some of these.
Overall though I really like the miniature, and I kind of like his backstory too, it really resonates with me. An honourable soldier who did the right thing and took the consequences rather than a yes man working his way to the top.
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