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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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37 MTG: Phoenix Armour Kits

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 10, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, To Ship: 86+

Kingdom Death finally announced the preorders for the reprints of all the playable expansions.  The price had gone up more than I had hoped, but I’m hooked and FOMO took full effect and I went all in.  I don’t need to eat until next year, right?  It’s hard to say exactly, but I think that’s another 53 models on preorder, due to arrive November-ish, Poots time.  So that’s possibly any time 2023, maybe 2024 perhaps?  I’ve also got Aeon Trespass due to arrive December-ish.  That’s a lot of high quality models demanding my attention, so my new goal is to finish off all the non-luxury models in my house before either arrives.  That should be more than doable, while still giving me time to play more KDM. It would be good to have this campaign done by then.  I’ve Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion awaiting a playthrough before I start adding new KDM content.

I’ve just finished Lantern year 12 of my second time around the time loop of my first 30 year campaign.  That’s 42 years in, so that’s 42 play throughs, plus some special showdowns, and a handful of resets while learning new fights.  My records tell me that’s about 49 playthroughs, averaging 2.5 hours.  At £5.00 an hour, I’ve got £612.50 worth of entertainment out of KDM and have currently spent £1,200 on it and most of the content hasn’t even arrived yet.  It’s stupidly expensive, but it is definitely earning its keep.  That’s ignoring painting time, and time spent thinking about it, doing research, and making plans, too.

A slightly more short term plan is to have the 8 KDM survivors and 20 Stargrave models on my desk finished before my next week off, in October.  Then that week is mine to focus on painting the house, playing KDM, and starting work on 2 3D printed monsters.  Unless ebay gets generous and friendly, or OTT gives me a prize…

Anyway, this is a hobby log and you want to see some minis.  This week I focused on the Phoenix armour kits.

Female Phoenix Armour with GlaiveFemale Phoenix Armour with Glaive
Female Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon Female Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon
Male Phoenix Armour with Grand WeaponMale Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon
Male Phoenix Armour with Sword and ShieldMale Phoenix Armour with Sword and Shield

My next focus is the Lantern Armour kits and I’m most of the way through them.  My hope is to get them ready to varnish tonight after work.  I’m I’m very quick, I might even get the varnishing done.  Then I want to clear the Leather Armour kits off my desk and then KDM is done, until more turns up in November.  Perhaps?

WIP on my Lantern Armour guysWIP on my Lantern Armour guys

I had the airbrush out already and I’ve decided on a scheme for the Stargrave guys so I base coated them.  The first few stages are all washes that’ll likely take a short time to apply and a long time to dry, so I’m getting those done while I work on my KDM guys.  I’m two out of the three starting washes in so far.  After that, its a drybrush and then green is done and that should feel like the bulk of the model done.

Stargrave Troopers box ready to paintStargrave Troopers box ready to paint

I’ve no idea why, but Chrome has taken to showing all these pics are really small when I load them up separately, but they load big in other browsers, and match the master file when I download them again.  Odd.

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lawnordanlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very well painted models and an excellent justification for buying into KDM!

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